Coordinating WordCamp Miami 2019

This year I have the privilege of volunteering and assisting with WordCamp Miami for the third consecutive year. I am passionate about WordCamp Miami not just because it's in my backyard but because it was the first WordCamp I ever attended and it quite literally changed my life.

Never being one to spectate when I could participate, in March 2017 I volunteered to assist WordCamp Miami with Registration and as Room MC for the Business Track. Because I was room MC, I was invited to lunch with the speakers, which I then became friends with and they encouraged and supported me to speak at WordCamps on topics better addressed by an attorney, like privacy, contracts and negotiations.

In a little over a year I've spoken on panels, presented talks, and volunteered at 9 conferences, nationally and internationally, even being selected to speak at WCUS 2018.

On Friday March 15th, 2019, in the WCMIA Freelancer's Workshop, I presented A Freelancer's Guide to Contracts and covered standard clauses that should be included in all digital agency and freelancer contracts and their meanings that all business owners should be familiar with when drafting, negotiating, or selecting online contracts.

This year I was also proud to organize and host the What You Need to Know About Privacy and Security in 2019 panel, featuring industry experts: Chris Teitzel, CEO of Lockr, Tony Perez of Sucuri and GoDaddy, Chris Wiegman a software engineer at WPEngine and Pat Ramsey Director of Technology at an enterprise digital agency.
Co-Hosting and coordinating the advanced business track two years after I attended and volunteered at my first WordCamp, in Miami, was a fun and rewarding experience. I strongly urge anyone attending a WordCamp to get involved! Hey, you're going to invest the time to be there anyway, why not work to make it the best event and experience it can be, for everyone?